Between: International Group Exhibition 2017
Between: International Group Exhibition 2017
*English follows Japanese below
Artists 出品者:
Mei Nakagawa, Benjamin Frey, 川上 春奈, グォンナヒョン, Mathias Mary, キムダウン Daoun KIM, 後藤由香里, 黄子馨 HUANG TzuHsin, 新宅加奈子, Yamuna Valenta, Tingfang Xia (Mirai), 松岡柚歩,Kristýna Venturová
Featuring: Lasalle College of the Arts, Fine Arts BA students
11/28 Tue 19:00-: Opening Reception
12/3 Sun 14:00-: Artist Talks (通訳付 / interpretation provided)
■ テーマ:Between
“Between”の語源は英語の”by two” からきており、「〜のあいだ」、「〜のすきま」という意味がある前置詞です。今回の展示では、京都という”伝統と現代のあいだ”にあるような都市で、様々な国籍の14名前後のアーティストが揃い、平面、立体、映像、それぞれの方法で”between “というコンセプトを元に表現します。個人と集団、性別、文化、人種、の間を行き来するような、多様性に富んだ展示になります。鑑賞者はもちろん、アーティスト自身にも実りのある展示になることでしょう。
Between: 2017 International Group Exhibition
■ Dates: Nov 28 to Dec 3
■ Theme: Between
The word “between” originally meant “by two” or “interval”. Kyoto itself is a city in between the contemporary and the traditional. Here, we will present works by about 14 artists of various backgrounds, everything from 2-dimensional to video and sculpture, under this theme of “between,” exploring issues of individual vs. group, gender, culture, and race. We hope this is will be an exciting exhibition for both visitors and exhibitors.