“深呼吸” 安 永燦 個展
安 永燦 個展
キュレーション:青山 知相、サルバトーレ・マルシリオーネ
オープニング:9月8日(木) 19:00より
GALLERY TOMO ITALYことMAGギャラリー、ヴィア・ヴィターニ、31、コモにて
ご連絡先:+39 3287521463 info@marsiglioneartsgallery.com www.magcomo.it
激動の20世紀。グローバリゼーションの時代が高らかに叫ばれてからたくさんの時間が経った。国家、人、それぞれの事実がばらばらになったこの世界で、GALLERY TOMOとMAGによる東洋と西洋を繋ぐプロジェクトで今回焦点を当てるのは、大韓民国のアーティスト、アン・ヨンチャンだ。
私は2年前、ローマのMAXXIでナム・ジュン・パイクの回顧展“THE FUTURE IS NOW!”を観た。彼の制作コンセプトも東洋と西洋の融合がテーマのひとつであったが、異文化と共生するために必要なリテラシーというのは一朝一夕でできるものではもちろんないし、もしかすると共生は言葉自体が欺瞞のようで、不可能なものだとすら思える。しかしながらこの展覧会は、アジア発信の先駆的メディアアートの果たす役割として未来の“定義”を現代に提示していた。我々は当然外交官ではないが、我々の行うアートの果たす役割、文化の交換は各地域文化の歴史的な関係性を理解する上で重要なものだと考えているしわたしたちの展覧会も地域研究の蓄積になるだろう。
しかし、アン・ヨンチャン作品全てに共通する作品の具体的な主題がある。どの作品にも境界線が描かれているのだ。内と外を隔てるこの線は、入口でもあり出口でもある。仏教に衆生(※サンスクリット語でbahujana)という言葉があるがこれは多くの生命が同じ世界に共に生きているという意味だ。絵に込められたこれらの境界線は、自我と他者との関係性を示すものであり、拡張していく世界観と自分を守る領域を様々な動きを見せる異なるドットを描くことによって個性的に表現している。2012年、アメリカはLA アートコアで開催された展覧会はこういったスタンス・作風がアメリカの人々に広範に受け入れられ、快調なセールスを記録した。そしてこの度イタリアデビューとなる本展覧会のために、彼は完全なる新作を準備した。深呼吸をするように新しいページをめくる、アン・ヨンチャンというアーティストの軌跡を可視化する現在進行形のストーリーを皆様のご覧に入れる。
青山 知相
The MAG Gallery and TOMO Gallery of Kyoto
Young-chan An, “Respirare”
Exhibition curated by Salvatore Marsiglione and Tomoharu Aoyama
Opening: Thursday September 8th 7.00pm at MAG in Via Vitani, 31 Como.
The exhibition will be on till October 1st 2016
Opening times: fromTuesday to Saturday 10:00am- 1:00pm and 3.00pm- 7.30pm
Info line : +39 3287521463 info@marsiglioneartsgallery.com www.magcomo.it
With the Patronage of the Association Luigi Russolo’s Archives of Como
For the first time in Italy the solo show of the famous Korean artist Young-chan An with a series of 25 absolutely original artworks, especially created for Como’s exhibition.
Young-chan An, “Respirare”
The 21st century is full of upheaval, and a lot of time has passed since globalization first rang out. In a world where nations and people have become more and more separated, as a project to connect the East and West, GALLERY TOMO and MAG feature the Korean artist, Young-chan An.
Young-chan An was born in Busan in 1959, right after the Korean War cease-fire. Having studied at Osaka University of Arts, he takes his identity from two East Asian countries with indecisive histories. After his first solo exhibition in South Korea in 1985, he has held several solo shows in South Korea, Japan, and the United States, receiving international praise for his energetic style. Indeed, he has a versatile style, with his vividly colored paintings that use traditional kanshi (Korean paper), at times using rubber as a ground. I feel as if these surfaces are like the earth where people lay down their roots. Whether with the Western canvas or East Asian kanshi or washi, among others, artists create topologies on these grounds, and we can see characteristics of each region, including the breath of those people who live there.
Italy and South Korea are both peninsular countries and share a similar fate, having seen interventions from other countries due to their geographical locations. Namely, they share the same fundamental organization. With the development of globalization, we can say the territory of nation-states, constructed until the early 20th century, have been in the process of dismantling. This is continuing at a heartless speed. It is because of this reality that we should use the “soft power” of art to internally understand boundaries and cultural differences, which can be an important factor in helping people to co-exist.
Two years ago, I saw Nam June Paik’s traveling exhibition, “The Future is Now” at MAXXI in Rome. One of his concepts is the fusion of East and West, but there also the idea that the essential literacy needed to harmonize cultural differences cannot be attained in a day; perhaps the word “symbiosis” itself is deceitful and impossible. However, this exhibition, playing a role as cutting-edge media art from east Asia, suggested a “definition” of the future to today. Of course, we are not diplomats, but the role that our art plays and cultural exchange is necessary to understand the historical relationship between regional cultures. No doubt, our exhibition can also add to the accumulation of regional research.
“Young-chan An is an artist who walks by his own breath, at his own pace. He is a wine waiting to mature inside a barrel. But by no means is he just waiting. He is pulsating like flowing blood with intense, brilliant colors — red, yellow, and blue. Like volcanic magma, a rich sensibility and talent lies at his core, evoking his true nature. This is what drives his work.”
This may be an intuitive way of describing his work, but he is neither a printmaker nor pure painter. He is extremely free. Following the spirit of his age, he investigates the future with a sense of jest. Of his works up to now, some of the most representative are his painting of himself painting a self-portrait on top of a tree, his silkscreens, and his acrylic and oil paintings of dogs. Without being limited to a certain material, his oeuvre expands infinitely like space.
There is one concrete motif, however, that runs through all of Young-chan An’s work. In each of his works, boundary lines are painted. These lines that demarcate inner and outer can act as an entrance, but also an exit. In Buddhism, there is the idea of shujo (bahujana in Sanscrit), which means that many living things are co-existing in the same world. The boundary lines in his work represent the relationship between himself and others, and, amongst an expanding world, different dots make shapes and regions with various movements that protect him are uniquely expressed. In 2012, at an exhibition held at Art Core, Los Angeles, this stance and style was widely accepted by Americans, and the show saw excellent sales. For this exhibition, as his debut show in Italy, he has prepared completely new works. A new page has been turned, as if taking a deep breath. Here, we show the visualization of his traces, the present continuous story of Young-chan An, the artist.
Tomoharu Aoyama